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Confirmation is a continuance of what has begun at our Baptism: a continuance of the developing awareness of the reality of faith and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

At our Baptism faith was conceived: we became part of Christ’s Body, part of his Church. Our Confirmation is the gentle unfolding of what our Baptism means.

Confirmation 2024

The first meeting on Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7:30pm is for parents and young people who would like to be confirmed.

Enrolment forms are available at the back of church, available via the link below and will also be available at the first meeting.

Confirmation classes will be on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. 

Confirmation Name

Confirmation candidates will be asked to choose a Confirmation name which is normally the name of a saint. This video, featuring Confirmation candidates, tells us why this is important.

Adult Confirmation

For many adults who missed out on their confirmation when they were younger and feel that there is no way to rectify the situation.

We don’t want to make people jump through hurdles but we do need to be sure that they understand the Sacrament and to be well prepared.

This is a serious step on your journey of faith, an encounter with Christ and the Holy Spirit which will enrich your life.

If you are ready to take this step, contact the Parish Priest or email the parish email [email protected] or telephone 07922 001862.